Characteristics & Uses


DUKEs are dynamic in that they are ever-changing and adaptable. They are, by design, never complete. DUKEs are always in development. They are works-in-progress – substantially completed, yet it is intended that they will never be absolutely complete – as the authors of these works intend that new material will be continually added and old material continually revised. This dynamic nature makes them easily updatable, very flexible, and easy to adapt to changing technology.

It is easy to access DUKEs anywhere and anytime, as they reside on the Internet. This makes them one of the most easily accessible books one can find. DUKEs can be part of a series of books and resources (for example, see our series of books on the Intrinsic Value Wealth ReportTM). They can come in a variety of pricing models, from being inexpensive or free to the user, to being priced more conventionally in the eBook pricing realm. The online format makes them very inexpensive to produce. And as mentioned, they can use a variety of media and modalities, and can be highly interactive.

Universal Knowledge

Because DUKEs tap into the power of the Internet, they benefit from the virtually unlimited pool of knowledge that is now part of the Internet. The Internet, which originated with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the 1960s, started taking off in the mid-1990s (please see the History of the Internet) [link to Wikipedia article and put on my Creative Commons website). The Internet has now become a vast, interconnected resource of knowledge provided by many people, including experts, in various areas.

Many Resources

A big advantage of DUKEs is that they can use multiple resources. For example, they can link to practically anything on the Internet; they can use You Tube [hyperlink to You Tube, Facebook, etc.]; they can imbed or link to PDF, Word, Excel, and other file types. They can link to Facebook, Twitter, and the many other social media websites. And, they can adapt and use other resources as they are created.


Crowdsourcing can be integrated into DUKEs in a variety of creative ways. Crowdsourcing is the act of going out to a community, often an online community, to solve problems and generate ideas. Please see Crowdsourcing [hyperlink] for an article on what crowdsourcing is and to get some ideas on how crowdsourcing might be used with DUKEs.

Publication Flexibility

A variety of models can be used when publishing DUKEs. Because of their adaptable nature (i.e., being in continuous development and being able to be changed at any time), they should usually be self-published in a format where they can be easily edited. With the Intrinsic Value Wealth Report (IVWR), the books that comprise the IVWR are online and can be edited in just a few moments, with just a few keystrokes.

Monetizing DUKEs

DUKEs can be offered at no cost; or they can be offered under a number of different pricing structures. A common pricing model is the Freemium model (see Freemium) [CC] for a discussion of this model. Another common pricing model is a subscription based model. Yet another common model is just to sell a copy of the publication. You can use combinations of various pricing models as well.


As discussed, DUKEs are most often web-based. Blogs and other social media tools can be used to keep your subscribers and/or customers engaged. The more creative you become with communication, the more engagement you can expect from your audience. Just be careful to not overdue it!

Helps Promote Teaching and Learning

I use the Intrinsic Value Wealth Report (IVWR) in lectures, seminars, workshops, and in the classroom. This has many advantages: (1) the students or my audience have access to it on their phones, tablets, or computers; (2) they can access it during and after the instructional period; (3) they can study the material online and/or print as much of the material as they like; (4) it builds engagement as they have to physically sign in and access the material; (5) from a commercial standpoint, I get their email address, as that is what is required to sign in – just make sure that your audience is ok with your obtaining and using their email addresses; and (6) I can access the material from any venue that has a computer and an Internet connection. In a pinch, I can access the material on my phone, tablet, or laptop computer using my Verizon wireless connection (and I have had to do this on occasion!).


I have organized the Intrinsic Value Wealth Report (IVWR) as a series of books. Each of the books has a theme. For example, Books #1 and #2 [write out the titles] on the IVWR are focused on shareholder and enterprise value creation. Books #3 and #4 are focused on personal wealth creation. [Add Books 5, 6, 7, and 8]. You can choose any organization scheme you like, but I have found the book organization scheme to be particularly useful. These books become, in essence, mini courses that are presented in a workbook format.

Creative Commons

DUKEs can link to materials that are provided under various Creative Commons license agreements. Creative Commons allows for more flexibility in licensing material for use. In many cases, you are allowed to use material licensed under Creative Commons in a variety of ways, including commercial use, as long as credit is given to the original creation. You can read more about Creative Commons license agreements by going to the following links: Wikipedia Creative Commons LicenseWikipedia Creative Commons License ShareAlikeWikipedia Creative Commons, and The Creative Commonswebsite.

The Promotion of Ideas

DUKEs can help you promote and market your ideas. People will read books, whereas they might not read other materials. DUKEs can be an effective way of promoting and marketing your ideas, products, and services. They may also be helpful in establishing trademarks and copyrights by establishing use and the start date of use for trademarks and copyrights.

Mind Maps and Concept Maps

DUKEs can be an excellent platform for the use of Mind Maps and Concept Maps. Please see the following links to learn more about Mind Maps and Concept Maps [hyperlink]

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