NOTES FROM THE FIELD: The November/December 2017 IVWR Newsletter and Cassandra Stock Selection Model Candidate List Updated

We have posted the November/December 2017 edition of the IVWR Investment Newsletter and updated the Cassandra Stock Selection Model Candidate List.

Click the IVWR Newsletter link to see the new edition of the investment newsletter.

Click the Cassandra Stock Selection Model Candidate List link to see the new stock candidate list.

The Cassandra Stock Selection Model Candidate List spreadsheet and notes can be accessed by the links above. A good way to think about this spreadsheet is that it is a list of pre-screened and ranked stocks that are in raw data form and that can be “mined” by the user of the research.

Also, please see the Cassandra Stock Selection Model Focus List, the Stock Market Valuations, and the Convertible Securities List by clicking on the links.

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